Advent Calendar Milka _ Christmas friends

Advent Calendar Milka _ Angry Birds licensing

Chocolate Inspired Product Concepts

Cadbury Toy Product Concepts

Coca-Cola Concepts

Super Mario and Milka promotional items

Angry Birds and Milka promotional items

Playmobil and Milka promotional items

Advent Calendar Premiums Milka - Playmobil

Advent calendar Milka - Super Mario

Advent calendar for Milka - Angry birds

OREO pemiums development

Cadbury premiums development

Barny collectible figurines

Milka Chocolate premiums development

Milka pemiums development

Milka Soft Plush Toys development

Milka Biscuit Run collectible figurines

Milka Cups and Mugs

Milka Xmas premiums

Coca-Cola Xmas premiums